Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Day at the Old Vet's

The boy in the center is my nephew. He's playing a game on one of the gaming devices I know nothing at all about. The moment makes me think of my own experiences of Christmases at my grandmother's during that time of my life. I spent much of the day watching a little black and white tv and pretty much tuning out the conversation and hubbub around me. The old vet is just out of view to the right. That's his son ministering to him as he sits in a recliner, fairly oblivious to the proceedings. We all brought various delicious dishes to his room in the late afternoon and had our more or less traditional Christmas feast with him, then exchanged gifts with each other. It was a poignant day. After Libby and I saw him to bed we came home and shared a few gifts with each other as Christmas Day 2016 came to a close. Today's the day to deal with all the crumpled wrapping paper, and perhaps a trip to the laundromat in Liberty. It's a pretty typical NC Christmas--gray and in the high 50s. There are deer ghosting the woods.

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